Hello! Welcome to my travels! I'm Ana, a recent graduate from the University of Virginia and I am embarking on a roadtrip on July 3rd. I'm am bringing my cat, Ruth along for the ride. To prepare, we went on a quick overnight trip to Grayson Highlands State Park. The drive was about four hours southwest of Charlottesville. We stayed at Hickory Ridge Campground at Site #9 and had a great time. It was $31.33 for the night and had everything we needed. I was able to find a level place to park for our car-camping setup. We explored the park and went for a quick hike through the meadow in the evening. About a mile in we saw the wild horses and found a rock to sit on and watch the sunset. The next morning we ended up sleeping in until about 9am and headed home after a leisurely breakfast.
Drive Time: 3hr 56min one
Milage: 480mi (240 miles one way)
Gas Price: ~$4.80
Origin/destination: Charlottesville, Va to Grayson Highlands State Park
Most exciting thing: Wild Horses!
Something to learn from: I forgot a can opener...
Places I ate:
Who I met: A couple across the road from my site had a pop up camper and a can opener I borrowed. They noticed Ruth and said they have a 17 year old cat they might bring next time.
Activities I did: Little hike up Massie Gap trail
Things I saw: wild horses, so many wildflowers, a ton of different camping setups.
Remember for next time: can opener!
Stops along the way: none.